Erawan Falls

Erawan Falls in Thailand

What is the Erawan Falls?

Erawan Falls are widely renowned for being home to one of the country’s most celebrated waterfalls. This park garnered numerous accolades, including the prestigious award in the natural attractions category at the 6th Thailand Tourism Industry Awards in 2006.

 The park’s focal point is the magnificent Erawan Falls, boasting seven enchanting tiers adorned with emerald-green ponds. Additionally, the park boasts a collection of impressive and expansive caves, some nestled deep within its confines while others dot the roads encircling the park.

Established in 1975 as Thailand’s 12th National Park, Erawan National Park encompasses a vast area of 550 km².

The park and its cascades derive their name from the mythological three-headed white elephant of Hindu lore, with the highest tier of the falls often compared to the head of an elephant.

Approximately 80% of the park is covered by mixed deciduous forests, while the remaining portion at higher elevations consists of deciduous dipterocarp and dry evergreen forests. The landscape comprises limestone hills, plains, and an array of streams.

Elevations range from 165 to 996 meters above sea level. Shielded by the surrounding mountains, the park experiences comparatively less rainfall than the densely forested areas further west due to the protection offered against the eastern monsoon.

Erawan National Park location-map-Thailand

Where is the Erawan Falls?

Erawan National Park, located in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, is a renowned national park situated 65 kilometers away from Kanchanaburi along Route 3199.

It boasts Erawan Waterfall, Kanchanaburi’s largest and most stunning waterfall.

Erawan Waterfalls in Thailand
Erawan Waterfalls

Cascading down a towering 2100-meter mountain, the waterfall spans 1500 meters long and features seven breathtaking tires, each serving as a delightful and safe swimming spot. In addition, visitors can enjoy a 30-minute stroll along the Erawan Nature Trail evergreen and deciduous forest.

Why should you go to Erawan Falls?

The Erawan Waterfalls offer a truly remarkable experience that should not be missed. This captivating collection of waterfalls is situated along a well-crafted path of multiple tiers and viewpoints.

The trails are adorned with numerous emerald-green ponds where visitors are welcomed to take a refreshing swim. These ponds teem with a vibrant array of fish. Each waterfall possesses its unique charm, providing swimming, relaxation, and exploration opportunities.

Erawan Falls with Fish in the Pool

Comprising several tiers, visitors can swim in all but the sixth tier. Tier 6 is primarily designated for viewing, while the other tiers boast inviting plunge pools, smaller rocky areas, and captivating cascades.

The park operates from 8 AM to 4:30 PM every day of the year, attracting countless visitors. Weekends and public holidays are the busiest times, so to fully savor your experience, arriving early in the morning is advisable. This way, you can allocate ample time to explore the awe-inspiring attractions and intimately connect with nature.

As for admission fees, foreign tourists must pay 300 baht (~ 8 USD), while children are charged 200 baht (~ 5 USD). Local visitors are granted entry for 100 baht (~ 3 USD); if you choose to arrive by bike, the fee is 20 baht (~ 0.50 USD). For other vehicles, the charge is 30 baht (~ 1 USD).

Here is why you should add Erawan Falls to your Thailand itinerary:

Huai Mae Khamin Falls at Erawan National Park-Thailand
Huai Mae Khamin Falls

Enjoy the emerald-green pools

One of the most remarkable experiences in Erawan National Park, Thailand, is the awe-inspiring Erawan Waterfall. Situated on the park’s eastern side, this irresistible attraction boasts seven tiers and invites exploration on foot.

As a popular destination, it draws a significant number of tourists daily. However, if you seek a more tranquil ambiance, venture to Huai Mae Khamin Falls, located approximately 40 km north of Erawan Falls.

These stunning falls offer a 1.8 km hiking trail along their cascades. In the park, you’ll discover emerald ponds to immerse yourself, swim, and unwind. All tiers of the waterfall are accessible via a network of trails and footbridges that lead up to the sixth tier. For those seeking more adventure, the final tier requires scrambling up a few cliffs.

A concrete path has recently been constructed to enhance safety when walking in wet conditions. The total distance from the trailhead to the top tier spans nearly 1.5 km. The first two tiers of the waterfall are easily reachable for most individuals, and nearby picnic spots offer benches for relaxation.

However, it’s important to note that food is strictly prohibited beyond the second tier. After paying a nominal fee, visitors must deposit their food and bottles at a checkpoint, where they can reclaim their belongings upon their return. Finally, the fifth tier of Erawan Falls provides an enchanting experience for nature enthusiasts.

Phra That Cave

Check out Phra That Cave

Phra That Cave is approximately 12 km northwest of the Erawan Falls visitor center. Inside, you’ll find a captivating array of stalactites and stalagmites, with bats calling the cave their home. As you venture deeper into the cave, you’ll encounter a remarkably spacious first chamber, towering around 40 meters in height and measuring 90 x 50 meters in width.

Spanning 544 meters, the cave boasts an entrance that is 15 meters wide and 8-10 meters high. You’ll need to traverse an 800-meter-long concrete path uphill from a nearby ranger station to reach the cave. Along the trail, you’ll pass through mixed bamboo forests intertwined with scattered limestone karsts, creating a unique habitat.

It’s worth noting that the cave may occasionally be closed during heavy rainfall due to the potential slipperiness of the concrete path and the cave itself.

During your journey, you must be mindful of navigation systems like Google Maps, which may mistakenly direct you through a temple entrance. Instead, continue past the temple entrance on the main road for a few hundred meters until you spot a sign indicating “Phra That Cave, 1 km.” Follow this signage to ensure you arrive at your intended destination.

Visit Wang Bah Dan Cave

Situated on the southeastern side of the national park, approximately 54 km from HQ, lies a magnificent cave spanning a length of 740 meters. Nestled within the lush forest, this remarkable natural wonder is accessible from Chaiyapruek Village, a mere 2 km into the woods from Highway 323. It is located around 1 km from the Wang Bah Dan Ranger station.

Made of limestone, the cave showcases a slender entrance leading to a series of chambers waiting to be explored. Visitors would be captivated by the mesmerizing stalactite and stalagmite formations adorning the chambers. The grand finale awaits in the last chamber, where a perennial water stream gracefully flows, adding to the enchanting ambiance of this hidden gem.

Trail in Erawan National Park
Hiking Trail

Hike the spell-binding nature trails

If you’re considering a day trip to Erawan National Park from Bangkok, be sure to add this park’s stunning trails to your itinerary. The forest is home to several trails from headquarters, each offering a truly unforgettable experience.

To begin your adventure, embark on the Khao Hin Lan Pee Nature Trail, which spans 5 km and culminates at the 5th tier of Erawan Falls.

Please note that permission from the park is required to hike this trail, and you may need to be accompanied by a ranger for a fee. As this trail typically takes two to three hours to complete, you may also proceed directly to the Mong Lay Dry Evergreen Forest Nature Trail, which can be traversed in less than an hour.

A blue bird at Erawan National Park, Thailand
Blue whistling thrushes

Go wildlife spotting

Don’t miss the incredible opportunity to spot wildlife in the park. Although the number of trails is limited, there are still plenty of animals and birds that you can easily encounter.

Watch for macaques, water monitor lizards, wild elephants, wild boar, serpent eagles, blue whistling thrushes, dark-necked tailorbirds, and more.

Stroll along the finest trails, remain alert, and keep your camera ready. You wouldn’t want to let the chance slip away to capture these magnificent creatures.


When is the best time to visit Erawan Falls?

The encompassing mountains shield the park, which act as a barrier against the eastern monsoon, leading to comparatively lower rainfall than the forested regions farther west.

• Rainy Season

From May to October, with the highest rainfall occurring in September and October and extending a bit into November.

• Dry Season

The remaining months are relatively dry, with cooler temperatures prevailing from November to January.

For optimal exploration of the Erawan Waterfalls, it is recommended to visit shortly after the conclusion of the rainy season when the water levels are elevated. This period falls between November and December.

How to get to Erawan Falls

Considering most people are satisfied with spending just a few hours at the falls, planning a day trip from Kanchanaburi or Bangkok is generally recommended. The distance between Bangkok and Erawan National Park is approximately 200 km, and various modes of transportation can easily cover this distance;

Thonburi Train station for Erawan Falls, Thailand
Thonburi Train Station

• By Train

To conveniently access the national park by train, go to the Thonburi Train Station (formerly known as the Bangkok Noi Railway Station) in Bangkok. The train ticket will cost approximately 1,250 THB (~35 USD). After a journey of about 4 hours and 50 minutes, alight at Nam Tok station. From there, you can hire a taxi for approximately 400 THB to 450 THB (~11 USD to 13 USD), and it will take about an hour to reach Erawan Falls.

• By Bus/Minivan

You can catch buses heading to Kanchanaburi from the Bangkok Southern (Sai Tai Mai) Bus Terminal, departing every 15 minutes. The bus tickets are available at counters No. 79 and 80, priced at 110 THB (~3 USD). The travel time to Kanchanaburi varies between 2 to 3 hours, depending on the bus class and traffic conditions.

Alternatively, buses depart from the Bangkok Northern Bus Terminal (Mo Chit) with less frequent schedules.

If you prefer minivans, they are also available at these bus stations in Bangkok. The minivans operate from Mochit Van Terminal at the Northern Bus Terminal. Additionally, you can find minivans departing from Khao San Road. 

• By Taxi or Car

Embarking on a road trip in Thailand can be an enchanting experience. You can travel from Bangkok to Erawan Falls in a taxi or car for about 1,400 THB – 1,700 THB (~39 USD – 47 USD). The journey typically lasts around 3 hours.

Please note that these transportation options provide convenient access to Erawan National Park from Bangkok, allowing you to choose the method that suits your preferences and needs. But campsite facilities and accommodations are available for rent for those who want to extend their stay in the park.

Private or group tours can be arranged to facilitate a visit to the park, with tour companies offering pick-up services from hotel lobbies, transportation to the park, and return trips to the hotels. These tours can be booked through various tour operators, agencies, and sometimes even directly through hotels. Since most visitors are content with a short visit to the falls, many tour options include additional attractions.

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6 Responses

  1. How impressed I was when I first visited your website to read your post on Erawan Falls. The photo of the falls is just breath-taking, you have gotten my attention right away by sharing this beautiful photo.

    Your description gives me a good idea of what to expect when I come to see the falls. I liked how you provided places to stay and things to do as well. All the photographs are awesome, I feel like I am already there.

    You have given us a bonus by sharing the Phra Cave not far from the falls, this is something else I am interesting in exploring on my vacation.

    There is so much to see and do on this vacation in Thailand, since I have never been in this country before I am excited to start planning my trip there.

    Thank you so much


    1. Hi Jeff, 

      That’s wonderful to hear! I’m glad that you enjoyed the article on Erawan Falls and found the photos captivating. It’s such a stunning place, and I’m glad the photos and descriptions could transport you there even before your trip! (:

      Exploring Phra That Cave is indeed a fantastic addition to your itinerary. It’s a hidden gem that adds an extra layer of adventure to your trip.

      Thailand is indeed a treasure trove of experiences, and I’m excited for you to start planning your trip. If you need any further tips or recommendations as you plan your adventure, feel free to reach out. Wishing you an amazing journey in Thailand! Thank you so much again.


  2. Hi there

    Thanks for this informative article.

    The photos are absolutely amazing and captivating, you can’t help but pause to take in each image.

    Your content about the allure of Erawan National Park’s emerald-green pools is undeniable, offering a serene escape amidst nature’s grandeur. I like your mention that while the Erawan Waterfall is undoubtedly captivating, the quieter ambiance of Huai Mae Khamin Falls beckons those seeking a more tranquil retreat.

    Indeed the 1.8 km hiking trail alongside the cascades provides a serene journey, culminating in inviting ponds that invite immersion and relaxation. I like you didn’t just write it, but showed it in amazing photos.

    In a world bustling with tourism, finding such pockets of tranquility becomes increasingly precious, making destinations like Erawan National Park invaluable.

    Well done.

    1. Hi Troy,

      Thank you so much for your comment and take your time to share your thoughts. I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the article and found the photos captivating!

      Erawan National Park truly is a gem. Immersing oneself in the beauty of Erawan National Park is truly a great experience. Huai Mae Khamin Falls is indeed one of the park’s most enchanting aspects.

      Thank you again for visiting my website and sharing your perspective! 


  3. What a magnificent-looking place. It looks picture-perfect. The park is surprisingly huge at 550 km’s squared, and I wonder how long you would need to fully explore this beautiful place. I would love to do one of the hiking trails, as you always see more exploring on foot.

    I would love to see this 1500 m waterfall in real life. It must be a spectacular sight that one will remember forever.

    1. Hi Michel, thank you for sharing. Absolutely! Erawan Falls is indeed a spectacular destination in Thailand. 

      For a more immersive experience, dedicating a full day to exploring Erawan Falls and its surroundings is highly recommended. This allows you to hike to the top of the falls, fully immerse yourself in nature, and have ample time to discover other attractions within Erawan National Park. It’s sure to be a great experience to visit! 

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